Foundation Repair in Bristol
Foundation repair is a very important investment to protect the structure and the value of your home. Our experts at American Foundation & Waterproofing has helped many homeowners repair their foundation and permanently stabilize their home with quality repair solutions. Our foundation contractors are proud to be partnered with one of the leading foundation repair manufacturers in the world, known as Supportworks. They offer some of the best products on the market that are specially designed to permanently stop foundation settlement. They have built a solid reputation in the industry which is why we are proud to offer our customers their products.
Find out why we’ve become one of the most respected foundation repair companies in Bristol and throughout eastern Tennessee, north Georgia, and western North Carolina. Contact us today to schedule your free inspection!
Why Invest in Foundation Repair
Foundation repair is an important investment to protect the value and structural integrity of your home. Even the earliest signs of foundation repair need to be addressed to prevent the problem from getting worse and more expensive to fix. Our foundation repair products are designed to permanently restore your Bristol home's foundation and improve the structure and safety of your home.
Bristol, Kingsport and Johnson City, Tennessee
Business Hours
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00 pm

Why do Foundations Settle?
When your home was built, the virgin soil in the ground was excavated and disrupted from its original and compact state. When the soil is backfilled, it’s much less supportive to the weight of your foundation and can settle over time. In the Southeast, near Brostol, our foundation repair experts see problems with soil erosion, poor compaction, soil shrinkage, and vegetations that all cause foundation settlement. Our Bristol foundation repair contractors are trained and equipped to handle any of these causes of settlement, you can feel confident when you call us at American Foundation & Waterproofing!
Symptoms of Foundation Issues
Below are the most commons signs of foundation problems. If you notice any of these signs in your home, no matter how subtle they may be, contact our foundation, crack, slab, and basement wall repair experts at American Foundation in Bristol right away for a free inspection.

Floor Cracks

Gaps in Wooden Floors

Stair-step Cracks in Brickwork

Gaps Between Walls & Ceiling or Floor

Sticking Doors & Windows

Interior & Exterior Wall Cracks

Uneven, Sloping Floors

Gaps Between Wall & Window or Door Casing