Causes of Foundation Problems In Knoxville
When we come to inspect a home’s foundation, we’re looking for more than just symptoms of foundation damage. Our team looks for the direct cause of the issue so we can design a solution in a way that addresses the parts of your foundation that have been the most impacted by damage. Our helical and push piers are produced by Supportworks®, one of America’s top-rated manufacturers of foundation repair products, so we can stabilize foundations no matter the cause of the settlement. Some of the most common foundation problems in Knoxville include:

Poor Soil Compaction
If soil isn’t properly compacted before your foundation is poured, the home will eventually deal with foundation issues. Water will bloat the soil during heavy rain and wet seasons, but as water dries, soil will shrink and leave voids, which can lead to foundation settling problems in your Knoxville home.

Hydrostatic Pressure
When excess water saturates the soil around your home, it becomes heavier and starts to expand. This will eventually lead to the expanding soil exerting massive amounts of pressure on your foundation walls. Over time, the walls will give way to this pressure, leading to foundation problems in your Knoxville home from this hydrostatic pressure.

Soil Shrinkage
Soil shrinkage causes similar issues to erosion. As the soil shrinks and compacts, your home will start to settle into the void left behind. However, these voids typically don’t appear in a regular pattern, meaning your home will start to settle more quickly in certain areas. This irregular settlement can eventually lead to foundation problems in your Knoxville home.

Erosion around your home can encourage rainwater to flow towards the foundation and lead to issues, while soil erosion beneath your foundation will cause the heavy structure to settle. This irregular settlement can eventually lead to cracking, loss of structural integrity, and more foundation problems for your Knoxville home.

Almost everyone wants their home to have gorgeous, shady trees nearby. Unfortunately, those trees—and even large bushes and shrubs—can eventually cause foundation issues. As root systems grow toward your concrete foundation, they can exacerbate cracks and allow water in, leading to bigger issues down the line.
Impact of Foundation Problems
Foundation problems in your home in Knoxville can lead to a whole host of secondary issues. All the following are common issues that arise due to improper foundation settlement.

Floor Cracks

Gaps in Wooden Floors

Stair-step Cracks in Brickwork

Gaps Between Walls & Ceiling or Floor

Sticking Door & Windows

Interior & Exterior Wall Cracks

Uneven, Sloping Floors

Gaps Between Wall & Window or Door Casing