American Foundation & Waterproofing has provided foundation repair for Kingsport, TN, homeowners and businesses since 2007. Our foundation repair experts offer exceptional customer service and use industry-leading products. When you need a long-term solution for your failing foundation, trust our experienced team for the finest foundation repair available to Kingsport residents.
Why Invest in Foundation Repair
Often, homeowners often think foundation repairs can wait because the problems take a long time to develop. The truth is, the longer you wait to address a settling foundation, the worse the problem becomes, and the cost to fix it will only increase. Investing in foundation repair at the first sign of trouble can protect your home and save you time and money.
A few common underlying issues can lead to foundation damage. Our Kingsport foundation repair team will locate the source of trouble and will stabilize your home permanently.
- Soil Shrinkage
- Erosion
- Poor Soil Compaction
- Vegetation

Often, the signs of foundation issues in your residence will become apparent before you can pinpoint their cause. Recognizing the common signs that suggest your foundation might need our services will let you get a jump on the foundation repair of your Kingsport home.
What Are the Signs that You Need Foundation Repair?
It is common for concrete foundations to develop cracks over time. Not all are worrisome, but we recommend you don’t take a chance. Call the professionals at American Foundation & Waterproofing in Kingsport to look at bowed walls, floor cracks, and other symptoms, to see if any of these are indicators of foundation damage. Symptoms of foundation damage include:

Floor Cracks

Gaps in Wooden Floors

Stair-step Crack in Brickwork

Gaps Between Walls & Ceiling or Floor

Sticking Doors & Windows

Interior & Exterior Wall Cracks

Uneven, Sloping Floors

Gaps Between Wall & Window or Door Casing

Bowing Basement Walls
How Can We Fix Your Foundation?
Our foundation repair team for Kingsport has a wide range of foundation repair solutions and can recommend the most appropriate option for your unique situation.
Adding Supports for Bowing Walls
Bowing walls and floor cracks in your Kingsport home are serious, but we have solutions that will prevent the walls from collapsing. A few of the available options include carbon fiber polymer supports or the installation of steel anchors.
Adding Foundation Piers
Homes in Kingsport with floor cracks and bowing walls are often in the natural process of settlement because of shifting soil or improper grading. Simply filling the cracks will not remedy either of those underlying problems. We can install supportive piers to reestablish the stability of the foundation of your home and to prevent further cracking.
At American Foundation & Waterproofing, we believe in transparency, honesty, and communication. Our highly skilled team is dedicated to providing the highest quality and longest-lasting solution possible. Contact our team today to schedule a free inspection for the foundation repair on your Kingsport home.